Monday, December 31, 2018

Attract 10: What is a thought – belief – thought cycle?

Beginning the new year with the last video of AttrAct series 2!!!
Presenting video 10 of AttrAct 
Happy New Year Everyone !!!

To know more about the blogger Niharika Chaturvedi, visit

Saturday, December 1, 2018

AttrAct 9: How your subconscious mind inspires you to act?

Our subconscious mind is the source of infinite power and wisdom but we can unfold the power only when our conscious and subconscious minds are in harmony. The video unveils the power of our subconscious mind!!! Are you ready 

To know more about the blogger Niharika Chaturvedi, visit

Trying to stay positive during these trying times

  (The blog will help you get rid of the collective negativity associated with the pandemic. It will not only help you to raise your individ...